Mekong River

boat ferrying passengers on the Mekong near Luang Prabang

Morning on the Mekong

Luang Prabang, Laos 2007

This was the view when I ate my breakfast in Luang Prabang. My hotel was an old colonial structure sitting on a high bank overlooking the Mekong. The buildings, and there were so many that I got lost several times trying to find my room, were white stucco with red tile roofs. Manicured gardens filled with rhododendrons, yellow lillies , banana trees and palm trees made me feel as if I were staying in a palace. I walked over brick paths and small, humped bridges past reflecting pools to the restaurant. A mist rose from the water in early morning as this boat ferried Laotians from one side of the river to the other.

It was straight out of a Somerset Maugham story.

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