Oaxaca Style

buildings and automobile painted in Oaxacan colors


Oaxaca, Mexico 2016

Today’s blog post is from my daughter, Marie.

I left for my Christmas vacation a few days early, to travel a bit on my own before meeting friends at a seaside resort. I’d been to Oaxaca before so I needed a plan or a theme for my photo walk. A plan lends freshness and purpose to your photographic viewpoint. 

I decided to focus on color combinations. Focusing on the Oaxacan sense of color helped me transition my mindset away from US to Mexico. I wanted to document the colors so that when I am home in Seattle, I can find inspiration on the days when light grey means it is a sunny day.

In Oaxaca people have a different color sense of color, a unique idea about which colors belong together. Slammed with color combinations that made little sense – Terra-cotta with army green, bright pink with royal blue, aquamarine with mint – my brain struggled with its own snobbishness. During the course of the day, though, I began to appreciate the gleeful surprise of new color combinations.

And then this scene came along.


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