Category Archives: Mali

Me? or My Computer?

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Believe it or not, this is a photograph. It is made of several photographs blended together through the magic of Photoshop and Nik Filters. I have told you on other blogs about my ‘prism’ library. These are photographs of textures such as … Continue reading

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Voodoo Magic

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Bamako, Mali 2002 Mali was once a French Colony. Leafy trees line the boulevards shading the old yellow and white colonial buildings . Our hotel in Bamako was on a street like that. The grounds were lush with palm trees and flowering shrubs. … Continue reading

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Evening on the Niger

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Mali 2002:  Somewhere on the Niger River between Timbuctoo and Mopti We sailed past this pinasse because ours had a motor. We sat on wooden benches, three of us on a bench under a canvas canopy that protected us from the … Continue reading

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Fulani Fashion Statement

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Mopti, Mali 2001 This Fulani woman was ‘famous’ for her large earrings and every photographer who went to Mali photographed her sooner or later. We went to her home where she was going about her chores. She quickly changed her … Continue reading

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Three from the Sahara

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Araouane, Mali 2005 The headman’s son pours tea near the door to the sand filled front room of his home. Notice the height of the teapot as he pours the tea. Not only does this aerate the tea and enhance flavor, … Continue reading

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Araouane, Caravan Watering Hole

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Araouane, Mali 2001 Local tribesmen climb the dunes surrounding the village of Araouane. In the distance, men water a herd of camels that patiently waits its turn at the trough. Bucket after bucket of life giving water is hauled to the surface with the … Continue reading

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Tattooed Faces Redux

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Mopti, Mali 2001 : A Fulani girl peers from her doorway.  The Fulani woman are considered the most beautiful in West Africa… and not just by the men, the women consider themselves beautiful as well. Many have fine features reminiscent of … Continue reading

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Portraits: Touareg and Fulani

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Mali, somewhere in the Sahara between Araouane and Tombouctou, 2001  Our guide’s keen eye spotted this white Touareg tent even though it blended into the grayish white sands of the desert. Just one family occupied the tent…an old man, a … Continue reading

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Madrassa Boys

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Araouane, Mali 2005: Araoune is an important oasis in the Sahara between Tombouctou and Taodenni.  The mullah who taught at the Araouane madrassa was considered holy by all who knew of him. His blessing was sought by the Touareg men of the salt caravans before … Continue reading

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Touareg in Desert

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Mali, West Africa somewhere in the Sahara Desert 2002 A veiled Touareg man stands near his camels which are loaded with slabs of salt from the Taodenni mines. We had stopped to get some photos and he came over to check us … Continue reading

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