
a Quechua woman rests on her way to market

Quechua Woman

Peru 2003

Look at her bundle. It looks heavy and although she is used to the high altitude,  she must have needed to rest awhile.

Her hat is made so the fringe hangs down over her eyes, shading them from the blinding sun. People can figure these things out for themselves. They don’t need someone in the government doing it for them.

For instance, dating from prehistoric times,  Eskimo tribes made a type of sun protection by carving slits in sunglass-shaped wood or ivory.  Click on the link to see the beautiful work they did.

Eskimo Sunglasses

One more thing, look at her braids. Just one would be a lot of hair but she has two thick braids. I noticed that the women in the mountains kept their thick luxuriant hair…even the grandmas.

This entry was posted in costume, culture, peasants, Peru, photography, Portraits, Rosemary's Blog, Travel, Woman's Work. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Adapting

  1. Jerry Cardiff says:

    You covered the top part (hair, eye shades,) I wonder what the bottom (shoes) were like. She looked pensive or maybe resigned but something interesting. Please keep sending.Best to you and John, Jerry

    • Rosemary says:

      Hi, Jerry.
      Probably she was thinking of all the things she had to do that day!! Or maybe she was saying a silent prayer that she would sell all of her goods in the market and be able to buy something for her family.
      As for her shoes, see today’s post. It will satisfy your curiosity. The mountain people all seemed to wear sandals but no sox. Their feet were red and chapped and they looked cold. I suppose a person gets used to it.

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