One Day in Bangkok

Bangkok police save fuel by riding double
“We’re saving on gas but catching fewer crooks!”

Two policemen stop at a traffic light in downtown Bangkok. They didn’t mind me taking their photo. Even though they are riding double, something police would never do in the U.S., they looked manly. 

I like the way the colors popped when I super-saturated this photo. Also, I gave it a heavy dose of tonal contrast with Color Efex Pro 3 to get that grungy, cartoony look. You could do the same with some of the Topaz filters and their cost is less than the Nik Filters. I find it easier to use Nik because the sliders in Topaz are harder to calibrate.
I was alone when I toured Thailand. I didn’t mind though. I had a serendipitous conversation every day with one person or another and that was all I needed. I met an American man who was traveling with a friend and he was amazed that I would travel alone. Since I am pretty much an introvert, I don’t notice I’m alone most of the time. I do notice when I am in a group, however.


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