Bird Watching in Ethiopia

African Fish Eagle perched in tree...profile


Egyptian Geese stand on marshy ground at Ethiopia's lake Chamo


Ethiopia 2013

We often saw these fish eagles. They’d be perched in the top of a tree. We were never close. I had to use my maximum zoom. I needed a tripod or my monopod which was packed in my suitcase.

The Egyptian Geese were living on Lake Chamo. They were domesticated by the ancient Egyptians and these wild flocks are supposed to have grown from escaped domestic stock.







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2 Responses to Bird Watching in Ethiopia

  1. gerald cardiff says:

    Love the birds. Your (to me) somewhat ambiguous statement re the Egyptians considering them sacred left me wondering if it was the eagle or the goose. I kinda thought it might be the Ibis. J.

    • Rosemary says:

      Hi, Jerry.

      I thought you’d like the bird pics! The ancient Egyptians held many animals to be sacred. Certain animals represented gods such as the cat,the jackal and as you say, the ibis. As for the goose, it is pretty and it tastes good.

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