Drive-By Shootings

Snow begins to cover the features of the Ala Too Mountains in Kyrgyzstan

The Ala Too Mountains During a Snow Storm

Kyrgyzstan 2012

These shots were taken from the backseat of our van as we drove the empty roads of Kyrgyzstan. Normally I wouldn’t shoot through a window. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a good shot that way, unless the window was open and I was hanging out of it. Torie had no compunctions and was happily shooting away. Why not? I said to myself. I can’t let her get ahead of me.

I knew to have a super fast shutter speed and to shoot on manual so my camera wouldn’t change focus. I used as small an aperture as I could considering the light and my shutter speed. I got these two shots, but they needed to be resuscitated in Photoshop.

Landscape of lake, mountains and sky shot in northern Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan Landscape with Lake

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