Kalnoky Estate

room at Kalnoky estate

Hungarian Peasant Decor

 When I first got married, Time-Life books issued a series of cookbooks featuring the cuisines of the world. The recipes were excellent. I still use many of them, but the photography and stories made the countries and customs come alive for me. I was fascinated by Eastern Europe, especially Romania and Hungary.

When I saw my room at the Kalnoky Estate Inn, I remembered those photos. The cozy furniture, the embroidered bed linens, the tile stove and even a crucifix…it transported me into the world of kings and peasants. Of course, in my lovely room, I felt like a queen. I wanted to stay for a week, but only stayed for one night.

Count Kalnoky’s manor house is nearby and before breakfast I walked over to look around. The caretaker was there and he let me see the interior which is in the process of being refurbished. The Count had left Romania during communist times but has recently returned and with Prince Charles of England has restored village homes as accomodations for guests.  

Here is a link to their webpage.  http://www.transylvaniancastle.com/intro_en.html

It isn’t often that I get a sense of the past the way I did at Kalnoky Estate. When we arrived, we were met by Monica, who invited us into the living room of the home where the estate is managed. We chatted about Prince Harry’s recent visit and Monica suggested several places for us to photograph the locals. I felt as if I were in a novel by Tolstoy and had come to visit friends in the country. Monica’s charm, the late afternoon light filtering through sheer curtains,  the bottle of Palinka to welcome us, a sense that we had gone back in time. I recommend the Kalnoky Estate!!

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2 Responses to Kalnoky Estate

  1. Dear Rosemary, we are currently updating our website and I stumbled across your lovely picture and report about your stay with us. May I please use your picture of the guestroom, by quoting you as the author?
    With best wishes for the New Year 2017
    Count Tibor Kalnoky

    • Rosemary says:

      Dear Count Kalnoky,
      Yes, you may use my photo of my lovely room at your estate. I still remember my stay and how I wished I could have stayed longer.
      I wish you and your family a Happy and Prosperous New Year as well.
      Rosemary Sheel

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