Khiva Travel Poster

Travel Poster Khiva Uzbekistan

Visit Old Khiva with Uzbek Journeys

Khiva Uzbekistan 2012

I knew this would be a good composition when I shot it. It was a once in a lifetime shot. The man is part of a puppet theater troupe and he stood on a ‘patio’ area about 3 feet above where I was standing. He was outlined by the cerulean sky and there in the background was a minaret. Not just a minaret, but the perfect sized minaret. It only took me a half step to my right to get this composition. At the time, I didn’t think ‘poster’ but when I saw the photo on my computer, I did think it. After that, I only needed to posterize it in Photoshop and add the text.

We didn’t see any men wearing this hat as part of their every day dress. (Many did wear a fur hat.) I so wanted to visit a dark tea house where men with drooping moustaches and wearing karakul hats and daggers sat sipping tea. But it didn’t happen.  I was 10 years too late.





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