Magnolia Blossoms

a photo of two Magnolia blossoms with paint strokes applied

The digital painting...maybe this is gilding the Magnolia blossom

Today’s photo is of two Magnolia blossoms. I don’t often take photos of flowers. I think you need a tripod and maybe someone to help you to shade the plant to prevent that mottled contrasty look that we all know ruins photos.

I took my shots from the shady side of the Magnolia trees. Piece of cake! The dramatic flowers surrounded by shiny leaves were an embarrassment of riches. I couldn’t stop shooting them.

They are also prime candidates for “paintings”. I’ll show you the photo and the painting so you’ll know what I mean.

I made photo paintings from many of my South Carolina photos. Architecture, flowers and landscapes, Oh, let’s face it almost everything is a prime candidate for a photo painting in my opinion.

I used to be a purist and I worked for years with black and white in my darkroom…alone and breathing all those chemicals until I got an industrial fan and then I was alone and freezing. I did enjoy it when I’d look in the developer tray and see an image come to life…I particularly remember one that was out of focus and I was ready to curse, until it hit me that the out of focus was just what that particular photo needed….I know! I’ll show you that tomorrow.

Meantime, look at my Magnolia blossoms. Don’t you just love them?

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