Manly Men

City scene: Men dressed in bike-riding gear wait at a red light in a California town

Men Who Ride Bikes

California, USA 2011

I didn’t know I had this shot. I found it just this weekend… on a memory card in a small point and shoot that I carry now and then. Of course, a good photographer carries a camera at all times and many’s the time when I’ve wished I had my camera handy. That makes me a dilettante, I’m afraid.

I recall shooting this through the windshield as we waited for the light. Young, healthy, muscular men dressed in bright blue…what’s not to like?  Their posture says they feel good, ready for a long, physically demanding ride; they’re up to the challenge.

Once a friend of my daughter’s called her a “manly woman”. She didn’t like it one bit. But he meant that she was capable, smart and could handle any situation. I thought it was a compliment.




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