
Myanmar: Portrait of a Burmese woman rolling cheroots

A Million Miles Away

Burma, Inle Lake 2011

I’ve posted a lot of photos of women lately. Normally, I gravitate to men when I am “in the field”.  My friend, Torie, with whom I have traveled many times, prefers women. She immediately feels like one of them no matter where we are. For some reason I feel stand-offish with women, but not with men.

This girl was daydreaming and either didn’t know or care that I photographed her. I love her expression.  I get the feeling that she could do her job in her sleep.

I changed this color shot to a sepia tone. Sepia says “Asia” to me. I had to darken the streak of light falling across the wooden floor. Remember that the eye goes to the whitest and brightest. I want your eye to go to her face, so I lightened it just a bit.

People do simple, repetitious jobs all over the world for one reason, they need the money.  After they become skilled and the job is routine, they can chat with each other as they work. That is one benefit. And the women here could bring their baby to work with them. How nice to be able to run to check on your child during the day.  That is priceless.

This entry was posted in Burma, Myanmar, photo tips, photography, Portraits, Rosemary's Blog, Travel, Woman's Work. Bookmark the permalink.

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