Pictures to Break Your Heart

a pony used as an advertisement is tied so that he cannot move

A photo to break your heart

The white pony’s head is tied or checked in a position that shows off his conformation, but at the same time he cannot move except to swish his tail to flick away some of the thousands of flies that bite him all day long.. He had to stand there hour after hour as an advertisement for his owner’s photo business.  

a man spurs his horse cruelly

Cruelty to animals

The horse is covered with colorful trappings. It is a wonder that he can see with the thick fringe on the headstall that all but covers his head. But he leapt ahead when gouged by the heavy spurs that his rider clapped to his sides with furious kicks. As soon as he was trotting at a brisk pace, the rider yanked the reins so hard the the horse all but screamed. You could almost feel the animal’s pain as the bit cut into his tongue and mouth. He almost came off the ground in his effort to get relief from the bit. This is the way the rider shows off his horse and his riding “skills”.

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