Portrait of a Hummingbird

hummingbird sitting in nest atop a chain

The Good Mother

California, USA 2014

My husband noticed her building her nest on the chain that supports the lamp by our front door. We didn’t see her for a few days, but she must have been out searching for building materials because now she is back and she sits on her nest almost all of the time.

Yesterday, I slammed a bedroom door, accidentally, and the noise frightened her. I rushed to the window to see her hovering by the window searching for whatever might jeopardize her eggs.

Now, I’m careful. Each time I see her, I feel a sense of wonder and admiration. She seems to be all alone, but she is carrying on admirably.

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1 Response to Portrait of a Hummingbird

  1. gerald cardiff says:

    One year I left my Xmas lights up and sure enough I found a nest there about this time of year. The most fun of all was watching the babies take their first flights. They did manage maybe 35 ft. or so before gently descending to the lawn. They rested there a bit and then took off and never looked back. That had to be 35 years or so ago but it’s still a fond memory. Thanks for your lovely photo which brought those old memories to the fore. J.

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