Sicilian Horse Cart

Sicilian Painted horse-drawn Cart

Sicilian Painted Cart

Noto, Sicily 2015

I would have loved to haveĀ seen one of these carts being pulled along a mountain road by a sturdy little donkey. Sadly, no one uses them these days. Sadly for tourists, that is. The farmers who used to use these cartsĀ have faster and more comfortable means of transporting their goods now.

The carts are still being made in at least one workshop near Palermo. People buy them for a patio ornament or, as this one is, as an advertisement for a restaurant.

I cropped in the viewfinder to give the impression that boxes of oranges filled the cart. (You can’t trust anyone these days!)

The good news is that the cart drivers have their own spaghetti sauce…porcini, guanciale, tomatoes and garlic. That, I’m happy to say, is still popular.


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