
graphic depiction of monk studying
Seeking Knowledge of the Truth

I want to see monks when I go to the Far East. I thought I would see hordes of them in Thailand, but although there was a beautiful temple everywhere I looked, there weren’t many monks. I think they may have gone to their villages at the time I was there…something like summer vacation maybe.

I  saw this young monk and got a few shots from a distance. As ususal it was mid-day. Are you getting sick of hearing that excuse? I can’t help it. It’s always mid-day when I’m taking photographs. Whine, whine.
I liked two things about this shot when I took it. His pose. His costume. The light made the photo boring…turned it all pastel looking. I fixed that somewhat in Photoshop by increasing contrast. Then saturated colors until his almost saffron robe turned a bright orange. That made his skin darker, too. He was rather fair.  I used one of the artistic filters to get the graphic look and added texture in Photoshop as well. Then I put it away for a couple of years. Yesterday, as I was looking for something to show you, I came across this and thought, “not bad”. So here it is. Sometimes, you need to let your work, photos or writing or other creative endeavors ‘cook’ a bit. We can get too critical when we are trying to reach a goal. Sometimes we can go right past the goal into failure. Let’s don’t.
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