Temples of Cambodia

Faces on the gate at Ta Prohm

The Sentinels

Siem Riep, Cambodia 2007: Faces of Ta Prohm

I’ve been to Siem Riep twice. The first time, in 2007 with photographer Dennis Cox, was the best. In those days, we were free to wander alone anywhere we liked. I looked forward to the second visit (2012) hoping to improve my shots and get some unique viewpoints. But now the ancient temples are roped off and visitors are confined to wooden walkways.  Everyone gets the same shot.  So, here I am showing you my shots from 2007. These gigantic faces stare down at those entering the gate at Ta Prohm. They remind me a bit of Aztec stone carvings.


 Some of the temples have multiple faces. Or there are multiple temples with faces next to each other. Dennis Cox showed me how to get 5 or 6 faces in my photo, but when I got home, I couldn’t find all the faces. The grey and black of the stone hid the faces which were different sizes and faced in different directions. Here are four faces that I’ve Photoshopped so they are easy to see. 

apsaras decorate an open roofed room in Angkor Wat

Apsaras in Relief

 One of the many hidden ‘rooms’ in the temple complex. Stones often have carved reliefs of apsaras which portray seductive spirits in the form of beautiful women. A person with good observational powers could note the hairstyles and dress portrayed on these carved reliefs. To me they all looked alike.

a spider web gleams in a shaft of light at Angkor Wat

Spider Web in Sunlight

 Moss-covered rocks and a spider’s web glow in the setting sun giving a primeval atmosphere to the temple hidden in the jungle. I shot this in 2012.

To check out a tour with Dennis Cox go to his website: www.denniscox.com

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