
portrait of Amish brothers with horse
Amish Brothers

This is one of my favorite photographs.

The Amish at the horse sale did not want their photos taken, so I concentrated on the horses. They were my prime interest and I wandered about looking for shots. Suddenly, these two boys came up and posed beautifully beside this horse.  I could sense that their parents did not know what they were up to. And I could see that the younger boy wasn’t as keen on having his photo taken as the older boy was.  I fired off two quick shots and thanked them. They quickly ran off before they could be discovered. I could tell the older boy was quite pleased with himself.

What beautiful faces!  The pose that the boys naturally assumed is much better than any I could have directed them to do. The older boy’s arm is both framing his younger brother and yet acting as a protective barrier. It’s as if he is saying, it’s all my idea…don’t blame him for this. The little boy’s expression is sweet and somewhat shy. The older boy faces the camera straight on. He is sure of himself. His expression is open and honest.
 If only I could have sent them a photo, but that would have resulted in a scolding for them at the very least.
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