Kashgar Bazaar

Outdoor barbershop in Kashgar

The Danger Zone

Kashgar, Xinjiang Provence, China 2003 

Kashgar was a main Silk Road city and the famed Kashgar Bazaar could still impress Marco Polo with its exotic markets and people:

Uigar women go about with faces obscured by a knitted head covering. Now and then, you will see a woman flip the ‘mask’ up so she can examine a prospective purchase, but back down it goes in a minute or two.

Men wearing four-cornered caps and black suits dicker over horses, cattle and sheep.

Families rattle to the market in pony traps.

Clusters of chattering Uigar women examine vibrant colored silks in the scarlet covered silk market.

 Smoke wafts over the market with the enticing smell of cooking lamb or baking bread or boiling stew.

Golden headed sheep are tied together by the neck resembling a sheep “bouquet” as they wait to be sold.

…and grizzled men line up for a close shave. 

It’s another world!

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