Aral Sea

Ara; Sea. a cow wanders by an abandoned ship rusting in the desert

Once Known as the Aral Sea

Moynak,Uzbekistan 2012

Once one of the four largest lakes in the world, the Aral sea has been drained to irrigate cotton fields and recently fruits and vegetables. Most of the drained water was lost due to porous irrigation channels. The Russians began the destruction in the 1960’s  and it was continued by the Uzbek government after independence in 1991.

Here a lone cow walks by an abandoned fishing vessel as she searches for forage. She would have to be a sturdy breed to survive here without supplemental feeding.

The trip to the Aral Sea from our hotel in the town of Nukus,  took about 4 hours of driving. We spent an hour shooting and then headed back. No refreshments were available. Not even a cup of tea.

We were starving when we arrived in Nukus and told our guide and driver that we wanted to eat before going to the hotel.  We invited them to join us and they chose the restaurant. Uzbek men sat at every table but Torie and I didn’t get it. We headed toward an empty table. Our guide, Javlon, quickly put that notion to rest. He escorted us to another room that reminded me of the old swimming pool locker rooms. A narrow hall separated small cubicles with tables and benches. We were in purdah.

Tours of this fascinating land are arranged by Penelope Price of

Penelope spends part of each year learning and exploring in Central Asia. Both Torie and I enjoyed our adventure in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan planned by Penelope.

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