Nukus Museum

interior view of the Savitsky Museum in Nukus, Uzbekistan

Savitsky Museum

Nukus, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan 20012

I’ve never studied art other than my photography classes. I don’t feel qualified to describe the wonderful paintings in the museum: paintings that were saved from destruction by the artist Igor Savitsky.  Soviet leaders, who considered these works a danger to communist ideas, were gathering them up and destroying them.  Savitsky risked imprisonment as he went to artist’s homes to buy every painting he could.

Serekeev: Painting of Uzbek Woman Sewing as photographed in the Savitsky Museum in Nukus, Uzbekistan

Serekeev: Painting of Uzbek Woman Sewing

My favorite paintings were of life in Uzbekistan.  Torie and I photographed nearly every painting we saw especially those that depicted scenes we had just seen on our travels in the country.  Torie had a great idea of what to do with hers. I wished I had thought of it!

For a virtual visit to the museum, see the dvd, Desert of Forbidden Art, which you can get on Netflix.

Or go to this website for more information:

If you are interested in visiting this fascinating country contact Penelope at

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