Umbrella Pines

Rome, Umbrella Pines

Umbrella Pines

Rome 2015

The Umbrella Pine grows in all the European Mediterranean countries and some of North Africa where it is a transplant from Europe. Not only is it one of the most graceful looking trees, it provides food as well. Pine nuts, so necessary for pesto and cookies, are harvested from this tree.

I loved their trunks, all twisted, and their umbrella-like crests as a contrast to these old apartment buildings found near the Roman Forum. I used Alien Skin’s Exposure 7 to make this look like a sketch with a watercolor wash. I can’t give you the steps because I don’t remember them. Just push the shadow slider to the right until  you like it and use a heavy dose of clarity. If you use too much clarity, your photo will take on a gritty look and you may not like that so back off!

Each photograph requires its own adjustments. I have many books that promised me a “recipe” but that recipe only worked for that one photo. Those books were a waste of money! And I was a sucker and bought many of them. The best is to download a trial version of a software like Exposure, use it as much as possible during the trial period and buy that instead of a book.

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